Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6604 of /home1/povo/public_html/includes/
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Zviri kumbofamba sei - Full transcript

Society & Culture | By Rumbidzai Dube , Lawyer | 22 November 2014

Below is a full transcript of Uncle Ritchie’s First Zviri kumbofamba sei skit (Transcribed by Rumbidzai Dube)
Unotoona vamwe vachitogerwa zuda mumabutcher (You see people getting haircuts in butcheries)
Vamwe vachitoseka (While others are laughing)
Wotonzwa vamwe…vamwe…vachitochema (Then you hear others crying)
Uchitoona…unotoona kuti pamwe vanhu vacho vanenge vakatosiyana siyana (Then you see that maybe the people are different)
Unotonzwa vanhu vachitoita ruzha (You hear some people making noise)
Vamwe vachitoita zvinhu zvekuti unotoshaya kuti vanhu vari kutombozvi…zvifambisa sei (And others will be doing things that make you wonder what exactly is going on)
Unototadza kutozvinzwisisa kutoti (You fail to understand that…)
Uno unotoona vanhu vachitomhanya (You see people running)
Vamwe vachitongoramba vakamira (While others remain standing)
Wotoshaya kuti..kuti zvese vanenge vachida kuti zvizoitwe sei (Then you wonder that..ah…how do they they want things to work out)
Vana makanika unotoona vachitosangana pamwechete (You see the mechanics coming together in one place)
Vana hwindi kana wotonzwa vakutoti yeee uyeee (Then you hear the touts shouting yay oh yay)
Uchitoshaya kuti Ah zvinhu zvacho zviri kutombofamba sei (And you wonder what exactly is going on)
Wotoona kuti ah vanhu vese pa..vanotoshaya mumiriri anotovamiririra kuitira kuti (And then you see that all the people at… cannot find leaders to represent them so that…)
Pavanozodiscusser muParliament vanenge vachitodiscusser nenyaya dzei (In Parliament, you really wonder what they will be discussing)
Ndopaunotoshamisika kuti nyaya yacho yakatomira sei (And then you wonder, what exactly is this story)
Zvinhu zvacho hazvi hazvi hazvina..hazvitombonzwisisiki (You can’t understand these things)
Vanotoshaya kuti vamwe vari kutoshaya dzimba (And then you can’t understand how some people do not have houses)
Ah vari kuto ah vari kuto to ah vari kutoshaya ah kuti zvakatombomira sei (Ah they are..they are..they are wondering how things are)
Vamwe vanenge vadya makuseni (Some would have had food in the morning)
Vamwe vanoto vanotoshandisa Vicks kana vachida kuti flu yavo iite kakudzikira (Others use Vicks if they want their flu to get better)
Vanotomboshaya kuti ah vamwe vanotoshaya… (They wonder what..ah some wonder)
Vanotochera mi..mvura ne..mumigodhi (They fetch water from wells)
Ah utotototi zvinhu zvacho ah zviri kumbofamba sei (Then you wonder what exactly is going on)
Vamwe hanzi akwira mugomo ashaikwa (Some say someone climbed up a mountain and disappeared)
Ah zvinhu zvacho utototi anhu ah handitombonzwisisi kutoti  ah (Ah,,,these things,,,you say people,,,ah,, I can’t understand what,,,)
Hanzi yatoshaikwa ndege yacho (It is said, that the plane has disappeared)
Ah ah woto…kuda kuzvibatanidza zvinhu zvacho soo wotoona kuti ah (Ah then you…trying to piece these things together, then you see that…)
Zvotonetsa zvinhu zvacho (These things are difficult to understand)
Ah hamheno kuti to.. to.. tinganyatsozvibatanidza sei kuti zvinhu zvacho (I don’t know if we should…should…how do we bring these  things together)
Tinyatso nyatso nyatsonzwisisa kuti zvinhu zvinenge zvakatonyatsofamba sei (So we fully…fully understand how things happened)
Unoti ah mupfungwa macho munenge ndimo makutonzvenga (You then think to yourself, maybe my brains are playing tricks one me)
